An exhibition entitled “Nho Choe” (in Commemoration of Choe) in Ho Chi Minh City, November 2016
Late painter Nguyen Hai Chi (1943 – 2003), more popularly known as Choe. Chóe!... Caricatures A collection featuring 37 oil paintings by...

June 2010 : Joint Art Exhibition : “Piktoral Yolculuk” (“Pictoral Trip”) with artist Nurten Ercan Coudrains at Turk Demokrasi Vakif,...

Nicolas Vignau-Bégué
Autodidact, I started painting 15 years ago, after I had been on a trip to Morocco. First, I used bright colors and large canvases to...

Tres beau texte sur la peinture de NVB (en français)
Nicolas Vignau-Bégué peint-il des rizières ? Sous nos yeux semblent s’étaler à perte de vue les terrasses gorgées d’eau qui serviront à...

The reawakening of the Apsaras
Angkor Wat is, and will always be, linked to dreams. Contemplating this ancient city overwhelms those who see it by awakening emotions...

a short BIO of AUDE GOOLY
Aude GOOLY, Masters in Fine Arts from the University of Paris-Sorbonne (2006), is also graduated in “Arts Plastiques” (2002), and...

Available at Mata-Hari Antiques 13 Ann Siang Road, Singapore 069693 Soft Cover. 104 color pages. S$20 Press Release Published on 20...